Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tips for Life

Throughout my life I've established guidelines for myself, hopefully to get me some where in life. I will now share with you my "tips":

  1. Don't hold yourself back for one person. Unless that person is your child, you need to do what's best for you. 
  2. Don't rely on relationships in high school. I don't think dating in high school is a good idea, but that's because I don't want to be stuck here because of feelings. I know plenty of high school relationships that are still going strong. They're the exception. Most likely, you are not the exception.
  3. If you don't like someone, don't lead them on. This applies in all aspects: dating, friendship, potential assistants/employees. Giving them any hope is mean. At the same time, do not be rude to them. They've done nothing wrong to deserve to be treated in a rude manor. 
  4. Try your absolute hardest to tell the truth. Most of the time it sucks, and is super hard to do. However, it's gonna suck 10 x more if or when they find out you lied. You're also going to be respected by a lot of people for being "real" (whatever that means). 
  5. Care about what people think. If you didn't care you'd be trashy, dirty, and probably unhealthy. 
  6. Don't care about what people think. There's a line that needs to be drawn when it comes to how much you care. Don't let their opinion of you affect the way you live, unless it will improve your life. 
  7. Be nice. Nice guys finish last is such bull crap. I try my hardest to be a nice person, sometimes I have to let the mean out, but I try to be nice and polite to everyone. It will give you more opportunities then you think.
  8. Suck it up. Life isn't easy, things are going to get really, really hard sometimes. You're allowed to feel pain and let those bad times make you cry. Don't let them break you apart. Cry, mourn, hurt. But there comes a time when you need to suck it up and move on. Don't forget, but don't get stuck.
  9. Let it hurt. If you don't know what I mean please refer to the Rascal Flatts song Let it Hurt. You have to let things get to sometimes, they're changing your life and who you are as a person. You can't ignore it forever. Use that hurt to grow. You can either give up or keep going. Make a valiant effort to keep going. It'll be worth it in the end. 
  10. Don't take everything personally. Somethings are going to feel like a knife in your stomach, chances are it wasn't meant to hurt that badly. There's a reason people say no offense before they say something that offends you. They don't want it to, but it has to be said. Use what they say and brush it off. Sometimes things are going to really, really bother you. You'll need to learn how to deal with that and eventually it won't bother you anymore. 
  11. Get some self-esteem. Seriously, when you respect yourself, so do other people. When you can be comfortable in your own skin you can do anything. Stop tearing yourself down, try to look in the mirror and pick out what you love about yourself. Then reach inside, and look at your personality, there are going to be good and bad things. Pick out the good and really polish those. You'll feel so much better and realize you don't need all that attention you thought you did. 
  12. Smile. Smiling opens up amazing opportunities. People love smiling. 
  13. Be bold. Introduce yourself to strangers, perfect your handshake, know how to brag about yourself (without really bragging),  and don't be afraid to stand out. The ones who don't act "cool" are probably going to get further in life than those who care what everyone thinks. 
  14. Partying isn't really that awesome. If your life revolves around partying, I feel extremely sorry for you. Try to have fun while being completely sober. It isn't that hard and you can remember it. Don't abstain from partying though, have fun, just don't make bad decisions that are going to hurt you in the morning.
  15. Find something to live for. Not just one thing, multiple things. Set a goal and achieve it. Then set another one. Have a purpose in your life. Without a purpose you're going to get lost. Try not to get lost. 
That's all for now. I hope these can help someone like they've helped me. They will probably be more later when I remember something important. 

1 comment:

  1. You are a very smart, wonderful girl. I know that you will be a fantastic success someday and I'm proud to know you!

    ~Go Hogs!!!
