Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Next 6 Days

Tomorrow afternoon I will be flying out of Tulsa, OK to Dallas, TX then on to San Antonio for the 2012 FBLA National Leadership Contest. I'm competing in Website Design for the second year in a row. Last year, we placed 15. This year, I hope we place in at least the top 10 and I think we have a good chance at doing so. If you want to see our site go to:

I absolutely love FBLA, it's something I'm good at and I enjoy meeting new people. I've got friends spread all across the state thanks to FBLA , and I adore all of them. Orlando was a blast last year, and I'm sure this year will be even better because I won't be rooming with complete strangers. That was interesting, mostly fun, and a little awkward, but I'm glad I got to meet Erica and Monica and the rest of the girls from their school. I'm so thankful for the opportunities FBLA has blessed me with. I can only imagine what I'd be like without it.

I keep thinking about this time last year when we left for Orlando. 5 boys, 1 girl, 2 advisors. I got on the plane and once we were off decided to listen to some music. I got out my iPod and found out I only had like 200 songs out of 1500. I then remembered the weekend before when Steeler came over. He had asked if he could use my iTunes and take some songs, I said sure and he proceeded to take an hour to finish what he was doing. On that plane, I realized he had unchecked all the songs but the ones he wanted, leaving me (who synced her phone the night before) without the songs I wanted. As the plane landed, I made sure to text him and give him a piece of my mind. He laughed and said sorry, but I knew he really didn't mean it. I miss those conversations.

So, this blog is really just to say I won't be able to write for the next 6 days. As soon as I get home, I promise to write one and tell all my stories about San Antonio and let everyone know how we did.

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