Saturday, June 23, 2012

Girl Talk - Tips for the Girls

I know by writing this, I'm going to step on someone's toes and offend someone. I do have girl friends, but I'm guilty of being like every other girl and saying "I only hang out with boys, I hate girls.". And during wrestling season, that's very true, but my two best friends are girls now. As a disclaimer to girls - I'm guilty of some of the things I'm going to say, I'll tell you which ones. I've recently learned that I like girls, girls need girls as friends. So in advance, sorry if anything makes you mad.

  1. Admit that you love drama. You hate being apart of the drama, but watching it is awesome. Girls live for that drama, we love it. I can admit that I love Facebook fights, talking about those fights, and watching real life cat fights go down. I hate when those fights involve me. I usually do whatever it takes to not be involved in one of those. 
  2. We all love the duck face, but apparently boys don't, whatever. Duck face used to be the go to girl group face, now it's retiring. Like myspace, it's a thing of the past. However, if you are sitting at home bored and decide to do a short photo shoot, bring that duck face out of retirement and have an awesome time. Otherwise a smile is going to have to work. 
  3. Everyone of us is guilty of being fake. I've been fake before so I didn't have to deal with a fight. Learn to admit that you can be fake, because most of the time being fake is a whole lot harder than being real. People don't like fake though, and if you do it too much eventually you'll be labeled as fake. 
  4. If he cheats on you, don't take him back. That's hard and there's always exceptions to every rule, but cheating doesn't deserve a second chance. If he can do it once, he's probably gonna do it again. 
  5. If he cheats on you, why are you mad at the girl he cheated with, but able to forgive him? Come one, every time I see this it makes me so mad. Sure, no one likes a home wrecker, but she didn't cheat on you. He did. Be mad at both of them, but forgive her and forget him. Please. 
  6. Don't be a home wrecker. That's how you get names that I don't want to write in my blog.
  7. Don't change who you are to please anyone. That just leads to your unhappiness. If you can't find someone who really appreciates who you are, step back and look around, someone does. Be yourself, be happy, and be with who makes you happy. 
  8. Stop hating each other. It's competitiveness and jealousy that causes us to hate each other. I'm an extremely jealous person when it comes to certain things, but I've taught myself to relax and let it go. So let it go, and try not to hate that girl for something she did years ago. 
  9. Modesty is somewhat rare nowadays. So for those who don't want to see where you will birth children from, find some shorts that aren't tighter than spandex and are long enough to leave something to the imagination. When it comes to boobs, top boob is something that can be dealt with. You can't wear a t-shirt to everything. The rest of your boob needs to stay hidden. The world doesn't need to see that. Keep that special outfit for Halloween when it's okay.
  10. Don't hold yourself back for a boy or anyone for that matter. You need to do what's best for you. If it was meant to be, you're going to find your way back to each other. 
So that's it for now, girls. Maybe more some other time. Take these into consideration, please. 

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