Friday, June 22, 2012

10 Things That Annoy Me

There's a lot of things in life I just don't quite get, or that make me mad/annoyed. Here's a short list of those things.

  1. When someone says they don't want to talk about it, why won't you drop it? Sometimes people just don't want to talk about what's wrong at that time. If they want to talk about it, they will. Stop asking, it's annoying.
  2. If I don't text you back the first 5 times, what makes you think 5 more texts are going to make me reply? They aren't. You're annoying. Stop doing that, chances are if I didn't reply, I didn't want to talk to you. Please do the world a favor and take a hint.
  3. Why are you smoking? If you're under like 50, let alone 18, smoking hasn't really been that cool in your generation. One - cigarettes are nasty, they smell bad, and are expensive. Two - they fill your lungs with tar. All I think of when I see young people smoking is "trashy". Plain and simple don't do it. 
  4. Oh you're a size 4 and you think you're fat? Come on, unless you have an eating disorder, you just want attention. It doesn't make me want to reassure you, it makes me want to punch you for being so annoying.
  5. All you do is get drunk and high? Cool, don't talk to me. I don't need that crap to be happy. In fact, the one party I went to made me pity everyone there. If that's your life, you should really consider setting some goals or making new friends. 
  6. Why is your bass so loud? Call me an old lady, but I hate when bass is obnoxiously loud. I don't want to feel my car shake while I'm driving. I'd also like to be able to hear if an ambulance is behind me, or to hear when I'm 60. 
  7. Oh you break up every 2 weeks, but continue to get back together 57 times? Why are you still together? There's either one of two things happening, one - you guys can't freaking solve an argument so you just break up so you can have a "clean slate", or two - both of you think there's no one else out there. Newsflash - there's no such thing as a clean slate when you don't solve the problem, it's still there and will be brought back up eventually. There's someone else. If there isn't I'm sure you guys can find each other again. 
  8. Your only means of communication is yelling? No one only wants to hear yelling. Try just once to put all your "need to have the last word" feelings aside and listen, maybe what they're trying to say is important. It's been proven that talking quieter actually makes people listen more. Give it a go. 
  9. You've been together for years and he/she has never cheated on you, yet you still have this crazy thought that they want to cheat on you. Get over yourself, or actually get into yourself. Obviously you have some self-esteem issues.Trust them, because if you can never trust them, you might as well break up. Relationships don't work without trust.
  10. Oh you heard from so and so and they heard from her who heard from him? I'm sure that's the real story. Clarify things before you run your mouth and keep the train going. People are going to give you some respect for being straight forward and asking if something happened to their face, opposed to just joining the masses and repeating it.
That's all for now. Obviously, there will probably be more later. Especially when I go back to school. 

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