Friday, June 22, 2012

"Bro" Tips - My Tips for the Boys

I've been on teams with girls and boys my entire life. I was raised around boys and I still don't really understand them. I do see things every day though, that bother me. This are my bro tips to give the boys some advice from a girls point of view.
  1. Don't be a tool. If you don't know what that means, look up the definition of a tool and do the opposite.
  2. Don't come on too strong. That only works on some girls. Most of the time, it creeps us out. Stop saying how much you want to be with me, when I've only known you a week. You don't know me yet. 
  3. There is this break in ages where dating that girl becomes creepy. has an awesome little calculation to let you know if you should date her or not. Find it and use it. 
  4. There comes a time, when you need to give up hope on a girl. Sure there's always a chance she'll come around and like you finally. But come one, who wants to be with someone who has to be convinced to like you. There might even be a chance, that if you stop trying, she will like you. 
  5. Keep in mind that most people can screen shot anything, and not everything you say stays between the two of you. If it's super personal and you only want her to know, tell her in person. It means more and she can't show all her friends your super sweet side. 
  6. Burping and farting is disgusting. Most girls think one is grosser than the other. For example, I think burping is the nastiest thing in the world and it makes me want to vomit. In short, try to keep those nasty things to yourself or when you're with your bros.
  7. Giving male cheerleaders a hard time isn't cool. 1) they get to touch more butts than you 2) they probably got their college paid for 3) they spend more time with girls than you, they know more about them than you. Learn from them.
  8. Girls will use you, if they sense that they can. Don't let them. If you are spending tons of money on her, bringing her whatever she wants, and practically bowing down at her feet and she's giving you nothing in return but saying you are "best friends" and "I love you bestie"- YOU ARE JUST FRIENDS. STOP SUCKING UP TO HER. IT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. SHE DOESN'T WANT TO DATE YOU. Seriously though, stop wasting your time and get someone who cares about you.
  9. Some girls just send smiley faces and lol's in every text; it doesn't mean they are flirting with you. They probably aren't, it's just a girly thing to do. If they only do it occasionally, flirting could be a possibility. On the same note, if you use hearts in every text I will make fun of you. Not every girl will, but if they're like me, they will.
  10. Never call a girl ugly or fat. You have no idea how personal we take that stuff. As if body image issues weren't common enough, very few girls can handle being called ugly or fat. In fact, don't call a girl any names that could hurt her feelings, even if you're joking. Chances are, it's still going to hurt her and she'll obsess over what you said. We take that stuff like a knife to the chest. 
So boys, use these and learn the lessons now, before you make a mistake and lose a girl. Oh and watch out, girls are mean.