Thursday, June 21, 2012


The title wrestling doesn't give this sport credit. To say a sport saved your life isn't uncommon. Wrestling didn't save my life. It's made me who I am. I have never stepped foot on a mat with the intention of wrestling. I've cleaned, tumbled, told stories, and laughed until I cried on those mats. My winters, springs, and summers revolve around being in that room and gyms across the state. I am lucky enough to say I don't just have a blood family, I have a wrestling family. For the past 5 years I've been stat girl, mat maid, wrestling manager, whatever you want to call it, to the Willard Wrestling Team.

Honestly, I have no idea what my life would be like if my brother had never decided to wrestle. I'd probably still be on the dance team or a cheerleader, I quit because they interfered with duals and tournaments. I used to want to go to LSU, until I found out they didn't have a wrestling program. I can't imagine my life without wrestling. I've found myself giving dirty looks to anyone who doesn't know who Cael Sanderson or Dan Gable is. The first time Cael Sanderson replied to me on twitter I screamed and bounced up and down like a little girl. When he followed me I practically passed out. I would rather read a wrestling magazine then some gossip bull. That's how obsessed I am.

I guess I really can't explain what wrestling is to me. That room is where I'm most comfortable. I  can be myself with a group of 20 people that share the same love. My life has been centered around a sport that is a family. The wrestling community is so connected, and we have to be to stand up for something that doesn't get nearly the credit it deserves. Dan Gable once said, "Once you've wrestled, every thing else in life is easy." I couldn't agree more with that. I know no matter where I go, I can connect with a wrestler. I can spot one from a mile away. I've met amazing people, I have so many brothers and 2nd moms and dads because of wrestling. I have no idea how I'm going to get through my last year with this particular family. However, I do know that in college, I'm going to do whatever it takes to be a part of a team, because I won't survive without one.

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