Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Who I Am

If for some random reason you decided not to read my introduction and skip to my blog, here is some of the basic information you need to know about me. I'm 17 and a senior in high school. I've gone to the same school since kindergarten and I feel confident saying I'm well known here. I take pride in being involved and being what I consider a good kid. I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I don't cuss. I've been blessed with a family that can give me more than I need. I'm a Christian and I love God with all of my heart, even though I don't really go to church and I definitely don't read my Bible enough. I love wrestling, and I can promise this won't be the only post where it's mentioned. FBLA comes second in my life and I've never loved an organization more. This blog was created because, if you can't tell, I'm pretty much your average teenager, however, I've had a lot of bad in my life. I could've given up many times, but I haven't. Hopefully, someone can read what I have to say and use it to inspire them when times get hard.

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