Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I'm baaack

So, for the last six days I was in San Antonio, TX. I give it no special adjective, because I didn't find the town that special. Don't get me wrong the Tower of Americas had a sweet view, and the river walk was interesting, however, the town itself had no appeal. I loved the city lights and noises at night, hated that I couldn't escape mexican food or find good sweet tea, and had a wonderful time with my lovely Willapoo kids (mix of Willard and Kickapoo FBLA students).

That's my view from the Tower of Americas. It was pretty awesome.

That's my view from my hotel room. Ugly during the day, but beautiful at night, you can also see my reflection, which makes it even cooler.

That's my best friend, Remi, and I celebrating our love for America at some Mexican place.

That's my amazement at the sight of a 46 in pizza from Big Joe's, delicious, but not worth a 4 hour wait.

All in all, I had an amazing time and became friends/better friends with awesome people from all over the state and the country. Even though we didn't make it to finals this year, I believe we can do much better next year and hopefully get on that national's stage.  I can't even explain how thankful I am for FBLA. It's completely changed my life. I'm no longer a follower who sits in the class and doesn't answer questions. Now, I lead discussions and I'm not afraid to make friends with anyone. I don't have awkward moments, and I'm confident in what I do. I give all of that to FBLA.

I can't begin to type out all the funny stories and events that happened while down in Texas. It was a great time, but I'm even more excited to go see Anaheim, CA next summer. I'm not for sure what I'll be competing in yet, but I plan on doing whatever it takes to get to Anaheim. I'm thankful for my advisors and fellow FBLA students for leading me to the best student organization in the world, and making the best experiences of my life. I adore FBLA and can't wait to see what it holds in store for me for my last year of high school.

Now, back to my good 'ol blogs. I missed those.

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