Saturday, July 21, 2012

3 Things

Doubt is a common thing. People have doubts daily. Doubts about the weatherman's forecast, the quality of a restaurant, or even their own self-worth. Doubt is normal, everyone has it and are accustomed to it. In my life there are only three subjects I've never doubted.

  1. I have never doubted the power of God. I've doubted my religion countless times, but I've never doubted God. I've been broken hearted when I see people lose their faith. If there's one thing that makes me feel sorrow, it's the idea of a lost soul. The only reason I've been able to cope with Steeler's death is the fact that I get to rejoice with him for eternity in a place too beautiful for words. I don't understand why people use the words in the Bible to hurt others. If I've learned anything from my faith, it's that love is the most powerful tool. I don't understand how someone can abuse another human being because of what they are on the inside or the outside. It causes me great sadness to think of the people being shoved away from salvation due to someone hurting them and then calling themselves a man of God. I'm asked from time to time why I quit going to church. My honest answer is because I was appalled by the behavior of those who were supposed to be mentors to me. Nothing they did was harmful, I don't want that image to be gathered. It was a conflict of how I felt with the way they felt. A church can either be a wonderful or terrible thing for a person. I really believe there is one for everyone, they just have to be willing to find it. I haven't been that willing yet. I have strange beliefs compared to the norm. The most important thing though, is that I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe he did something so selfless for so many undeserving people, because he had enough love and understanding to do so. He accepted everyone and loved them for no reason at all. From him I've learned forgiveness, patience, and understanding. I can't live if I can't forgive someone for something they did that was terribly wrong. They already have to live with themselves, and that can be the worst punishment ever. I've found that patience is a wonderful thing. I'm gifted by wonderful things, for my ability to wait. I don't believe that great things come to those who wait. I believe great things come to those who work for them, but can also step aside and be humble enough to let those that are better than them to take control. I've began to understand that I won't be able to understand everything. Somethings just aren't meant to be understood. I've also been able to understand that most people use what they Bible reads in their reasoning to others. They don't fully comprehend what the Bible is saying. Those are two very different things. 
  2. I have never doubted the freedom telling the truth will give you. I fully realize, that to some people, the truth is too hurtful to be released. However, there's always a time in life when it is the right time, when it will free you, when the consequences won't be as severe as you imagined. As scary as it may be, telling the truth is by far the best cure for any situation. When there is nothing left to hide, there's no reason to be afraid. Once you are freed from the lies, you can be fearless. 
  3. I've never doubted the fact that bad things happen. Maybe it's because I experienced so much loss at a young age, but I've always known that you can't prevent the bad things from occurring. You can take almost every preventative until you aren't really living anymore, but at some point something bad will happen. You have to be able to absorb those bad things, and move on. As hard as that is, it's possible. Some people don't have the strength to move on, but that's only because they don't truly want to move on. The benefit of knowing bad things happen, is that you also know good things are going to happen. Life isn't all bad, in fact it's mostly good. Things happen that you can't control, but you can control how you react and move on from those things. It's a choice you're lucky to have. 

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