Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fact or Fiction

Tonight, as I laid in bed and ate peanut butter crackers, I began watching a show on the Discovery Channel called Mermaids: The Body Found. Now, I'm not a gullible person. In fact, I can usually tell when someone is bsing me. This show really got me thinking, how do we know what's real and what isn't anymore? Anything can be computer generated, photoshopped, or extremely over edited. The bad thing is, most of the time you can't tell what's real from what's fake. This show was a little extreme. The photos and videos were pretty obviously faked. The information seemed extremely legitimate, which made things scary. It also made you wonder what was being hidden from the public. They say in this that the navy is hiding these mermaids so they can continue sonar testing, which harms the whales, dolphins, mermaids, and any other sea creatures that communicates using sonar. Why hide the mermaids though? They said it was to save them from human harm. That sounds pretty reasonable. We are creatures that don't like new or change. We like the fact that so many things are just made up. If mermaids are real, then aliens, fairies, unicorns, vampires, werewolves, sasquatches, they all have to be real too. Well, at least aliens. I think the weirdest thing is that when you really think about it, by keeping the general public unaware of the strange creatures around us, we are kept safe. There's no telling the kind of chaos these things could potentially cause. We also wouldn't want to let other countries in on our secret weapons. It's the same thing that the CDC does with harmful viruses and bacteria. They have them, we just don't know what exactly "them" are. It's human nature to be curious, but there has to be a line where curiosity really does kill you. To be honest, I'm not sure how the public would even react to the knowledge that mermaids do exist. I'm sure the majority would deny it, but it's been said that you can tell yourself a lie so long it becomes the truth. Maybe that's what we as humans have done. We've said that all of these supernatural creatures don't exist, and done so for so long, that if we ever had proof they do exist we wouldn't even believe ourselves. Now to end my questioning and meaningless blog, I will include pictures of supernatural creatures.

Fairy, Bigfoot, Mermaid (from the show)

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