Saturday, July 7, 2012

What Grinds My Gears

There are some things that really make me angry, and because I love lists and listing things in blogs, I'm going to compile a list of those things right here. Call it ranting, call it the same thing as 10 things that annoy me, call it whatever you like, these things really make me mad.
  1. When girls or boys think it's okay to cheat on their significant other. Especially when that other is in the military risking their life to make yours better. Honestly, that's the lowest thing you could ever do. If you're trying to say, "well it was just once, and I was super drunk at that party", why are you partying?! Come on, you're in a relationship with someone who has no room to be worrying about what you're doing back home. Why do you think that so many military men and women have trust issues? Because there are so many sleaze bags here at home. Grow up, or don't date someone who needs you that much. Also, cheating doesn't mean just having sex. When they aren't here or even if they are, just flirting with someone else can be considered cheating. Stop being such a douche nozzle. 
  2. When you agree to do something, see it through. Unless there's an extreme situation going on, you need to follow things through. If you continuously break promises, don't expect to have people respect you. Most of the time people just want to make others happy, so stop that and learn how to say no. Chances are they aren't going to be mad, and if your excuse is good enough they'll probably even forgive you. If you agree to something, and then something important overrides the original agreement, let the person know. 
  3. Every once in a while you have to sacrifice something so someone else can be happy. When you have to have everything you want or you throw a hissy fit, you're a spoiled brat. When someone really wants something, as worked hard for it, and dedicated a long time to getting it and then you just get it handed to you, they have a very good reason not to like you. Maybe, if you back off a little, and acknowledge their efforts they'll like you a little more. 
  4. Stop asking me questions while we're watching a movie. If you would just shut up and watch the movie your questions would be answered. 
  5. Chew with your mouth closed. It's disgusting when I can see your food as it's being mashed up, and frankly, I don't ever want to see it. The same goes with talking while eating, chew your food, swallow, then continue talking. 
  6. When people just invite themselves over. If you're my best friend I expect you to invite yourself over and walk in my house. That's what I do. If we're just friends, you better wait for an invite and knock on that front door. The same thing goes for parties, unless I tell you go ahead and bring them, you better ask. If you bring someone I don't like to my house, its gonna get bad. 
  7. Even though I'm guilty of it, it makes me mad when people continuously dog on the president. Regardless of who he is, give the old dude a break. I'm not a fan of Obama, and some of the decisions he's made, but I respect the man. The responsibility and pressure that guy feels is more than any one, other than former presidents, can imagine. Most people don't even realize that the president doesn't have as much say as we think, he can't just snap his fingers and make something happen. If he could, we wouldn't have a president, we'd have a dictator. Oh and before you dog a new bill or plan, take some time and become knowledgeable on the subject. Try to form an educated opinion and not an ignorant one.
  8. I'm a Christian, I was saved and baptized a long time ago and I know I will be going to Heaven when I die. What makes me angry is the bad rap other Christians give each other. I'm a baptist, but I don't agree with almost anything Westboro stands for (I say almost because I haven't researched them that much, and I don't want to lie). I also hate when Christian's say they can't be friends with anyone that isn't a Christian. Uh, hello? That's our whole purpose. We're supposed to go out to the non-believers and show them how Christ has impacted our life and made us a good person. We're not to pass judgement, that's not our job, we're to lead people to Jesus and be role models for society. As a Christian, I feel like I'm to be accepting of others. I shouldn't push my religion, but be ready to lead anyone to it that feels like they need Jesus, to him. I should forgive those who wrong me, and honestly accept their apology. If you haven't already heard this, please, please comprehend this next sentence. God loves everybody. EVERYBODY. There is nothing you can do, that God won't forgive. Your past and all those sins can and will be forgiven, if you just give yourself over to God and agree to live for him. The peace and serenity you will receive is one of the most amazing things you will ever experience. Once you let him in, he will always be there. He's always just a short prayer away, anyway.
  9. Every time some one in class has a little hissy fit and talks back to the teacher, I get seriously mad. It doesn't matter if you're right and they're wrong, there's a time and a place to point them out. No one likes being called out in front of a large group, you're making a scene and it's wasting time. If you would just shut up and put up with dumb people you'll slide through school.
  10. When people continuously talk down on the United States. Like okay bro, you hate it so much here let's just send you to Somalia or Sudan for a year and see how you feel. We may not be at the very top, but I'd rather live here than any where else in the world. 

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