Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tips For Life: Part 2

After my first blog, then the bros and girls blogs, I realized I had left some things out. These are those things.
  1. To parents: remember your child has to live with the fact that you're their parent. They have your genes and have to deal with everything you've done that's out of their control. It wouldn't do you any harm to think before you open your mouth or do something regrettable. Your past might haunt you, but it haunts them too, and could eventually drive them far, far away from you. 
  2. Stop being so judgmental, it's not cool. Just because they don't dress like you or hang out with the same people as you do, doesn't mean they aren't an awesome person inside. I'm friends with all types of people and they can vouch for me. Some of my "uncool" friends are the best people I know. 
  3. Get rid of that attitude. The one where if it's not your way it's the highway. That will get you absolutely no where in life. 
  4. Learn some manners. Sometimes a simple thank you can completely change someones day around and make them feel appreciated. Plus, being rude is just rude. No one likes rude people. I hate rude people, they make me very angry. 
  5. You have a family, they might not be blood related, but everyone has one. Always stay connected to that family, when times get tough they are gonna be the ones there to pick you up, brush you off, and tell you that you are going to be fine. At some point, you're going to need them. 
  6. Accept change. People change everyday, and it's something you have to get used to. It's hard, but it has to happen in order to deal with life. 
  7. Make connections. If I've learned anything in FBLA it's that networking is the most important thing you can do. You may never know who that person you're sitting next to is until you take a chance and start a conversation, they just might be someone extremely important.
  8. There is no need to be prejudice, sexist, or racist. Seriously, the color of someone's skin, their religion, their waist size, or their gender should never be the basis of your opinion on who they are inside. These days people decide their opinion of each other at first glance, stop doing that. It's amazing the people you'll meet when you push those judgements out of your head. 
  9. Take a lesson from children. Before you thought you had to conform to fill the mold others created, you were imaginative and full of ideas. Try to think outside the box and color the cow purple instead of brown. Stop trying to be so cool, if you just decide to be yourself, you're automatically cool.
  10. There's no reason for you to talk to someone 24/7. Believe it or not, it does you some good to have a little time for yourself. You really don't need all that attention. It's nice some times, but not all the time. If you can be alone you're much stronger than someone who needs to talk to people at all times. 
  11. Music can be good and music can be bad. Most of the time music is created to evoke a feeling. Watch out that those feelings created by a song, don't take over your life. Music is wonderful, and an amazing escape. Don't let it be your only escape. 
  12. Don't let one thing about a person change your total opinion about them or how you act around them. So what Anderson Cooper is gay, he's still an awesome reporter. One thing doesn't change who that person really is. *By the way I completely adore Anderson Cooper*
  13. Pay attention to the world around you, being ignorant only hurts you. 
  14. Try to get basic geography in school, no one wants to be caught on "Jay Walking" and not know what the United States looks like or what the capitol of the United States is. It'd also be good to learn proper spelling, reading, and grammar so you don't look like a fool.
  15. When a friend needs you, be there. There are times to be selfish and say you can't do what they want, but there are times when you really need to drop everything and go be with them. If you can figure out that balance you'll have the best friends ever and forever. 
End of Part 2.

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