Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nebraska Wrestling Team Camp

For the past 5 days I've been in Lincoln, NE at the UNL wrestling camp. I had been waiting for this week all summer and super excited. I've always been a supporter of team camps, the matches are good, the team bonds, and the boys get to learn and experience brand new things. I feel blessed to have been able to join them this year, it was more than amazing. I got to meet Jordan Burroughs, I saw awesome matches, and I've gotten the chance to get closer with the boys. I'll admit that Nebraska is no Penn State, but we were lucky enough to have Ridge Kiley as our camp counselor. He easily became my favorite Nebraska wrestler, and our entire team will be cheering him on next season. We also were lucky enough to combine teams with 4 boys from Wray and Sterling, Colorado, who turned out to be talented wrestlers and funny guys. In all we went 7 - 4 in duals, which was pretty dang good for such a young team. Nebraska definitely isn't my favorite state or college, in fact it's not even close to the top, but the wrestling team was extremely helpful and kind. I'm glad to have been able to see the school, attend the camp, and make new friends while doing so.

Of course anything to do with wrestling brings my mind to Steeler. The conversations we've had about him always make me smile, but make my heart ache a little too. I've taken multiple double takes when I see a kid who shares a resemblance to Stee, wether it's hair style or walk they always make my heart skip a beat. Wrestling is something I don't ever want to be away from, it pulls you in like that. Everything about it reminds me of Steeler, which I don't mind, because I want to remember him forever. It's kind of crazy to think how different our team would be if we never had Stee. No mullets, no gay jokes, no pink, I can't really imagine being apart of a team that wasn't as close or fun as we are. I thank Steeler for that. I thank wrestling for bringing me and Steeler together, and keeping us so close for so long. I know because of wrestling, Steeler will never be forgotten.

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