Monday, June 25, 2012

Facebook Etiquette

I've noticed lately, that Facebook has changed. It's no longer just a status or two about what you're doing, who you're with, or your plans for the weekend. Now it's full of not so honest tbhs, dumb shared photos, and depressing statuses. If we all worked together, we could possibly turn Facebook around and save it from a horrible demise.

  1. No more To Be Honests. Very few are actually honest, if they were there would be so many more Facebook fights. 
  2. Stop sharing and liking those pictures that ask for shares and likes. They're annoying and take up everyone's newsfeed. 
  3. Rate, date, hate. No. Stop those. They also are annoying and take up everyone's newsfeed. 
  4. Don't post a status every 3 minutes. If you want to do that take it to twitter.
  5. Speaking of twitter, hashtags only work on twitter. Stop putting them in your statues. It doesn't work like that. On twitter hashtags link your tweet to other tweets with the same hashtag. 
  6. Don't be the annoying Facebook girl. If you don't know who she is, look her up. She's funny, but you do not want to be her. 
  7. If you play a game on Facebook, don't send your requests to your entire friends list. It's obnoxious.
  8. When you upload a multitude of pictures at one time, put them in an album. Don't just upload them to your wall one by one. That kills the newsfeed of mobile users.
  9. Stop complaining about all the changes Facebook makes. You still use it. If you hated it, you would have deleted your account by now. 
  10. There's no need for 500 pictures of yourself to be put in 5 different albums. You actually only need a few pictures of yourself and the majority should be of you and friends. That shows you aren't a loser who sits at home on Facebook all day. 

Now do everyone of your Facebook friends a favor and changes your ways. Follow these rules, and we can have our decent Facebook back. Thank you. 

*Under the request of Wendy, I must add that you should try to take pictures outside of your bathroom where your toilet is not exposed.*

1 comment:

  1. Addendum 1: No more self-shots with your head cocked and a gay face guys! Really, you just look like a complete tools to everyone!

    Addendum 2: Just because I choose not to share that horrific picture of Christ crucified in no way reflects my love of him. I just hate your terrible art....
