Tuesday, December 10, 2013

10 Things I've Learned in Semester One

I haven't posted since May, which is a little strange, but when you write 4 page papers every other week (that's what if feels like anyway), you get a little tired of writing. But hey, I'm back, probably just for this one post until around March so I'll try to make this a good one.
I've officially finished my first semester of college here at Oklahoma State. And here's the first thing I'll tell you: I love college. There's so much I love about it, but don't let me get going. If you go to college and you absolutely hate it, you're at the wrong place. So the work is hard and you're tired and being social is sometimes scary, oh well it's worth it. Anyway, I thought I'd make a nice list of what I've learned so far this semester. Life lessons and also just cool facts and figures. It'll give me another chance to brag about my school, so that's cool part.
  1. College is hard. Honestly, it's not the work that's so hard, it's the growing up part. It's the learning to live with people who aren't on the same page as you part. It's the feeling like you're all alone and have no one to support you part. Mostly it's the on your own part, that's the part that sends kids home and gives you anxiety attacks. 
  2. College is 10x > high school. In almost every way. The sports are better, there's so much freedom, and you don't have to go to class until 10:30. Well I don't anyway. 
  3. The saddest part is not connecting with any professors right away. Teachers care and want to know about you and be involved in your life. Professors sometimes do, but they aren't going to give an effort for it. 
  4. Again, if you don't love college, you're probably at the wrong one or studying the wrong thing. There's always going to be classes you hate, but if you hate your major you should probably change it before you hate your life. 
  5. Join a club or organization or something. Making friends isn't super easy in college. Sure if you're in a frat or sorority you'll make friends, but if you're like me and Greek life is not for you find something else. Mat maids is where I fit, and I love it, and I get to do what I love. Perfect see?
  6. You don't actually have to party, and if you go you don't have to drink. People won't make fun of you, if they do they obviously aren't your friends. 
  7. College is not for the closed minded. I don't care what your morals are or what religion you proclaim, this isn't the place to push those on someone else. This is the place to explore them. I can honestly say I have dug deeper and learned more about myself than anything else these past few months. 
  8. To a high school kid, from a former high school kid - stop it. Those posts on Facebook complaining about the government and not having a snow day and how you know exactly what you want and who you are, stop those. Trust me, at one point I was you, and then I stopped, and then I was a college student taking classes that challenged what I believed I wanted and who I believed I was. Then there was the class that taught me the government and all that stuff that seems so simple is really ridiculously complicated. Really, look into tort or administrative law and tell me it's not that difficult to understand. So stop it. Just try to be positive. Post about your boyfriend, or the basketball game, or getting your driver's license. Don't try to say something you really know nothing about, because those posts will bite you one day. 
  9. Disney supports battery. Okay, Walt probably didn't realize it when he was drawing and dreaming up Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, but in law terms when the prince kisses the sleeping girl it could be considered battery if the princess decides she didn't want to be kissed. Law is a tricky thing. Don't get me started on the different kinds of contracts I had to learn. 
  10. Procrastination is real, and something needs to be done about it. Finals will teach you that real quick. 
So yeah, I think that's the majority of what I wanted to say. I still love Abraham Lincoln, and I still think Jesus was the coolest man to ever live so I haven't really changed all that much. Don't ask me for legal advice, I still haven't decided on law school yet. Oh, and I'm still really funny and my confidence has not gone down at all. I don't really remember how to finish a blog anymore, but I can say it feels great to write something without trying to sound incredibly intelligent the whole time. Anyway, Go Pokes! Live Orange! Orange Power! And all those other sayings. 

P.S. How cool is John Smith? 

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