Thursday, November 22, 2012


What I'm thankful for today:
  • Family - I'm thankful for my parents. I'm thankful for the opportunities they've given me and all the space I've gotten so I could grow my own opinions. I've never been in need of anything, and I've seldom wanted anything. I'm very lucky to be blessed with two parents who are married and give me everything I could want. I have a pretty awesome brother who introduced me to wrestling and gave me a nephew and a sister. I have grandparents who aren't afraid to tell me their proud of me, and who encourage me to do whatever I want to do. They have more faith in me than anyone else, and for that I'm really truly blessed. I'm thankful I got to meet my Grandpa Larry and be around him for the time I was. I've had great grandparents that I got to be around, which most kids don't get. I'm thankful for that. I have Aunts and Uncles who would go out of their way to help me out. I have cousins that I wouldn't trade for the world. Overall, I'm more than lucky to have the family I have. I'm really truly blessed. 
  • Friends - Specifically Kelsie, Maddison, Remi, Jean Ann, Mason, Sierra, and Rii. I cannot imagine my life without every single one of those people in it. There's absolutely no way I would have survived this year without them. Those people know me better than anyone else, and I'm extremely thankful for them. I love you guys more than the world.
  • Wrestling - Wrestling has brought me so much, I don't know that I can list everything. It brought me Steeler, Melynn, the closest family I know, and my future. I am who I am because of wrestling. I've met olympic gold medalists and the top college wrestlers. I've become part of a family that I couldn't live without. I know that. It brought me Kiiler, who's like a weird older brother or uncle. It brought me the entire Seaburn family, and I'm one of the luckiest people in the world to get to be around them. It brought me second moms and dads and brothers. It brought me opportunities and memories that I'll be thankful for the rest of my life. There is nothing I am more thankful for this year, than the sport of wrestling.
  • America - I'm thankful to live in a country that is filled with diversity. I'm thankful that I have the opportunity to become what ever I want to be if I want to work hard enough for it. I'm thankful that we have the strongest military in the world, and that men and women are willing to die for me everyday. I'm thankful for the electricity, running water, clean towns, cars, heating and air conditioning, food, and clothing that I take for granted everyday. I'm thankful for the hospitals and doctors that are easy to get to. I'm thankful for everything I have here in America that I wouldn't have in another country. We have our faults, but every country does. Just be thankful you're in America.

This year has been a true roller coaster for me. I've been at my lowest low and highest high. I can easily say it's been the hardest year of my life, because the bad outweighs the good significantly. Still, I can laugh and I don't cry like I should because of the people and things mentioned above. 

1 comment:

  1. Your are such a wonderful young lady. It is great to seeing you grow up. You are blessed!
